WebMethods (Software AG) Integration And Management Services
WebMethods (Software AG) Integration And Management Services

WebMethods (Software AG) Integration and Management Services for Business | Dallas TX | Miami FL | Chicago IL
webMethods (Software AG) Integration and Management Services for Business
webMethods API Management
Software AG’s webMethods API Portal provides a comprehensive solution that allows the developer community to find, learn about, discuss and test an organization’s APIs. API Portal exposes API documentation to developers inside and outside your organization, manages the developer onboarding process, and lets developers use the exposed APIs for new and creative uses.
webMethods API Gateway securely exposes your APIs to consumers, third-party developers, and other partners for web, mobile, and IoT applications. webMethods Microgateway is an independent offering—lightweight, agile and fast. It works with webMethods API Gateway or a standalone solution to control API access to microservices in a distributed environment and supports service mesh architectures offering independent and sidecar deployments.
There are many API documentation enhancements, including enhanced import and export support in API Gateway to include all assets and configurations so that users can easily move the configurations across instances. The staging and promotion support in API Gateway has been enhanced and includes all assets and configurations so that users can easily move configurations across instances. For application identification, we have secured it to use certificates sent through the custom HTTP header. The custom HTTP header can be configured as an extended set in API Gateway administration.